Monday, 4 November 2013

The Sites

Today I decided to go and take a closer look at the sites and maybe start having a think about which one I would choose for my project. 
The first site include the old library, the shops adjacent to it and the car park behind it. One of the interesting features of the site was the cut through from the main road to the car park and the World Wide supermarket behind it. While creating a link between the two, there were very few people around to actually use it. 
In order to get to the remainder of the site, I had to rejoin the high street and walk up the side road adjacent to it; the fence barely let me see into the other car park, let alone let me though.
I found the variety of element on this site really interesting and my interest in historic buildings is drawing me to choose this site. The library is something that I would really like to include in my designs and something that I would look into is precedents of sensitive retrofits of listed buildings. 

The second site was the one of the old police station. This was much more connected to Cheetham Hill Road and in a way, acted as a barrier between the road and the housing behind it.

The third site lay in the midst of all the housing behind the second site. It was a cemetery that has now fallen into disrepair and has been consequently closed to the public. Having said this, while there was no entry through the main gates, someone had made a gap in the fence and left some of the large stones on the pavement as a step to provide access to the site. The height of the site above the rest of the area works as a vantage point but also separates it further from the surrounding area. 

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