Can't believe the year is nearly over. 5 days until portfolio hand in which means that it's the final final crit tomorrow.
Having been working on my portfolio all week (obviously) I've now reached my inevitable point of feeling like I have finished. It's something that I have gone through every single submission, usually about 24 hours before the work is due. Which would be fine, if it weren't for my fellow third years probably working well into the night and beyond while I am actually able to get my 8 hours. A different kind of stress.
So, I currently feel like I am ready for tomorrow's crit although I know I will be getting more work to do before Monday. Therefore, I am going to spend the evening and try to critically assess my work, anything that doesn't completely make sense or convey my thought process will be altered. (If only I could momentarily forget my project so that I could really review it properly)
My IDR is also more or less done now although I still need to add a page or two about the exhibitions and my drawings before that is done. Something for tomorrow evening I think. After submission, it's a case of getting my exhibition pieces ready and getting the whole exhibition ready for the show. I've decided on what I'm going to be doing and it should be fairly straight forward, just time consuming I think.
The first of my three items is the playing cards that everyone in my atelier are going to be producing. At the moment, this is just a case of getting them onto the computer - I've already listed what each card is going to be - and to write the 'Rules of Engagement', something that I'm still working on. The second piece is going to be an image. Originally, it was going to be a bird's eye perspective of my scheme but after producing my Frank Lloyd Wright-esque drawings, it makes more sense to do one (or two) of them. The last piece is like a cross between my playing cards and my portfolio, a small sketchbook that will summarise my project with about 30 images/quotes/photos/drawings/sketches/diagrams/whatever.
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