Thursday, 20 February 2014

Final Crit 2

Today was the second of the cross atelier reviews. 

I felt that I was actually relaxed and really prepared for it although - as per - the nerves and quaky voice still set in when presenting.

Overall, I think it went well but I think the major thing - picked up by everybody - was that the colours need to be toned down. It was something that I also noticed as soon as I had finished publishing the presentation. I tried to emphasise the colourful environment in the creche but I think I tried to hard. As a whole I need to work on my illustrations but this is something I have been very aware of since last year. 

Apart from this, it's just a case of making sure it all reads well and I can explain my scheme in a way that doesn't require me to be there. My little sketches/diagrams went down well and over the weekend, I plan on just diagramming and sketching my scheme to death! The images themselves were useful for me and my design process and additionally are useful for communicating it. 

One last key point that was made was the lack of connectivity between my two sites which seems crazy especially as part of my argument for using the sites was the connectivity. Therefore I am, as was suggested, going to produce a (hopefully awesome) section throughout the whole scheme, showing the connection and interaction between the sites as well as the journey taken by different characters around the sites.  

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